
A modern day ritual

Where is ritual in our modern lives? Where has this major part of human life for millennia gone? When I asked myself these questions I began to wonder has it actually vanished? Have I been using too narrow a definition of ritual? I had been defining ritual in a purely religious/spiritual sense. A set of actions that the ritualist believes will invoke some kind of response in the physical realm. A dance to make it rain. A sacrifice to make it rain. A prayer to make it rain.

How has science altered the nature of ritual? How is a prayer different from pushing a button? The ritualist sacrificing a guinea pig expects a response just as much as the person pressing a button. You might respond with the observation that the difference is that we understand the mechanism behind the button. It is a human construction. I would respond that this is no different to a religious ritual. It is again a human construction involving an interaction with the physical realm. It has a mechanism that is understood by the ritualist. Back to the button. We no longer live in a world of simple mechanical buttons. A device such as a mobile phone can contain millions of transistors, endless lines of code and can react to interaction in an infinite number of ways. Do you understand what happens when you push a button on your phone or computer? It has stopped being a mechanical process that can be understood by any one individual and has become an act of faith. I press the space bar on my computer in the hope that it will add a space to my document.

We have come from a world of scientific understanding and we are heading for a world of mystical ignorance. Does any one individual understand how the phone in your pocket in its entirety works? Its microchips contain billions of transistors designed by teams of people. It software contains tens of thousands of lines of code written by different teams of people. It contains minerals sourced from all over the world chosen for their physical properties. How could any one individual comprehend this system in its entirety? Even if there are people who can understand it then we are just talking about a phone of today. Technological systems are steadily moving beyond human comprehensibility. Moore’s law suggests that the complexity of technological devices will continue to increase but the human mind does not increase in its ability comprehend complex systems. The use of computers to aid design and manufacturing is well established. The next step, if current trends are to continue, will be technical systems designed by computers. Technology becomes the intermediary for understanding technology and the human moves further away from comprehension of their world and their technological means of survival. This is not just the average individual not being able to understand the technological world around them. This would be a future where no one understands the technological world around us.

In the past a person could hope to understand their environment and how they could interact with it and how it would behave. The future looks different. With scientific and technological advance our everyday environment will move steadily beyond our comprehension. We will once again be like our ancestors sacrificing a goat to the mighty sky god.

Don’t worry. Everything will be fine as long as you keep pushing those buttons.

Fruity Seed Cake

This is a sticky, fruity cake that’s dairy and gluten free.


100g ground almonds.
100g sugar (I use demerara)
25g mixed peel.
50g sunflower seeds
50g golden linseed
50g sesame seeds (optional)
50g raisins
25g hemp seed (optional)
Zest and juice of half a lemon.
2  medium sized eggs.

1. Put all the dry ingredients in a bowl then add the eggs and lemon juice.
2. Mix them up.
3. spoon the mixture into a  lined or greased cake tin. I use a shallow 20cm cake tin.
4. Put in an oven for 30 minutes on a low heat. Gas mark 3 on my oven. Until nicely browned.
5. Leave it to rest, The cake will be very crumbly when it has just come out of the oven. Leave it covered overnight. It will then be less crumbly.


The Lines of Descent exhibition started today at Hamilton House.

The title of the exhibition refers to the method of drawing I have used for the artwork on display. It is an organic process, like doodling. Each line suggests the next. Each line is influenced by that first line. A line of descent exists between the first line and the last line drawn. It is a journey. With some of the artwork the general composition was planned out in advance through sketches, with other artwork the process and composition were entirely organic.

I am interested in exploring the boundaries between beauty and ugliness. When does beauty tip over into ugliness? I use methods that are traditionally synonymous with beauty in art; pattern and symmetry, and then push them through iteration and distortion. I have also made occasional use of compositions from classical art.

Many of the pieces explore machine forms. I am intrigued by the ambiguity of technology as our saviour and our destruction. The technological form has been the poster child for progress since at least the beginning of the 20th century. It also has a rich tradition within the dystopian future visions of science fiction. Technology is so absolutely human but often disowned as inhuman. It forms are only limited by our imaginations but like a mirror it shows us what is within our imaginations. The beautiful and the ugly. E = mc2 becomes the atom bomb.

The exhibition runs from 15th – 26th October.

The private viewing is on Thursday 18th October from 6pm to 8:30pm.

I am happy to announce 2 exhibitions later this year.

Lines of Descent

Hamilton House, Stokes Croft

15th to 26th October; Monday to Friday 9am to 9pm

A solo exhibition including many pieces that I haven’t exhibited before. It will mainly be my black and white, line based work.


The Parlour Showroom, College Green

5th to 11th November

A group exhibition with 4 other artists. We will be exploring interpreting each others work. I aim to do something a bit different from my current artwork.

The cake

A further low point in the history of cake photography

This is a rich and sticky cake that’s dairy and gluten free.


200g ground almonds.
100g sugar (I used demerara) A coarser grain will give more crunch. I use vanilla sugar.
100g of chopped walnuts.
200g chopped dates.
Zest of half a lemon.
½ teaspoon of allspice.
1 teaspoon of ground cinnamon.
1 teaspoon of ground cardamom. . Roughly 10 pods
2  medium sized eggs.
Flaked almonds (Optional for decoration).

1. Put all the ingredients in a bowl.
2. Mix them up.
3. spoon the mixture into a cake tin. I use a shallow 20cm cake tin.
4. Decorate the top with flaked almonds if you want it to look nice.
5. Put in an oven for 30 minutes on a low heat. Gas mark 3.5 on my oven.
6. Leave it to rest, covered.

I recommend leaving the cake covered overnight before eating to allow the flavours to meld.

The cake

A low point in the history of cake photography

This is a rich and sticky cake that’s dairy and gluten free. It’s based on a macaroon recipe from my dad.

25g of candied peel. I have used shop bought stuff and peel I have candied myself. Both work. Alternatively I have used chopped dried apricots.
200g ground almonds.
100g sugar (I used demerara) A coarser grain will give more crunch.
100g of chopped walnuts.
½ teaspoon of allspice.
1 teaspoon of ground cinnamon.
½ teaspoon of ground cardamon.
2 eggs.
Flaked almonds (Optional for decoration).

1. Put all the ingredients in a bowl.
2. Mix them.
3. spoon the mixture into a cake tin. I use a shallow 20cm cake tin.
4. Decorate the top with flaked almonds if you want it to look nice.
5. Put in an oven for 30 minutes on a low heat. Gas mark 3.5 on my oven.
6. Leave it to rest, covered.

I usually leave the cake covered overnight before eating to allow the flavours to meld.

I have spent a lot of time recently working on big pictures so I decided to do some little pieces for a change.

This February I will be taking part in two exhibitions.

Artspace, Duke of York pub, 2 Jubilee Road, St Werburghs, Bristol, BS2 9RS

From 6th February for 6 weeks

I have a solo show of my work at the Duke of York. I will be showing a lot of work I haven’t exhibited before.

See the Duke of York blog here.

Hope and Poverty Exhibition, Paintworks, Bristol

14th-18th February

I have one piece in the Hope and Poverty Exhibition at the Paintworks.

bird boxes that could brighten up Stokes Croft and the Bear Pit

I remember spotting the various bird boxes in the trees of Queens Square for the first time. They were a pleasant surprise. All shapes and sizes, they intruded in to the urban environment nicely.

I work in Stokes Croft and I feel that it could do with it’s own kind of bird boxes that match the atmosphere of the place. They could be made with scrap wood and then brightly coloured.

I have started work on a new large drawing. The drawing is made up of swirls, lines and a large black circle. I am interested in exploring how thousands of tiny individual elements combine to make something more than the sum of their parts. The circle is such a beautiful form and forms the centrepiece.